This is an 8-week, immersive magical and somatic ritual where we will move, meditate, shake and share in a supportive, radical, conscious circle of MAGICAL beings! We will learn to SERVE our most authentic Selves, through Tantrik Alchemy and many other effective practices that illuminate and align us to our TRUEST desires.
All participants must apply HERE (<–click) to be considered for the course. I am keeping applications and participants to a very small number so that we may dive deep with each other. The applications are capped at 66 and the class size is capped at 33. This announcement goes out to over 2000 folx, so if you are feeling the call I would apply right now!
Why this Immersive Ritual Course?
As most of us know….Anytime intention is set and attention is placed, life follows their lead. Imagine gathering with an exquisite, hand selected and intimate container of powerful beings for 8 weeks who are also explicitly devoted to allowing the beloved and ineffable Nectar of their Soul to overflow! The empowering and nourishing effects get magnified in such an intentional container that will ripple out more and more and more into every facet of your life. This allows us to ALL feel radiant, supported, spacious, powerful, magical, sexy and like we’re ALL on top of the world together!
How do we get there?
We get there by communing with our allies; Higher/God Self, deities, plants, animals, planets, helping spirits and each other! We activate and align our primal animal desire with our Higher/God Self and let ourselves be held, seen and healed. We practice ancient Tantrik and Taoist techniques to open and heal our sexual energy centers and create a bridge to deeper, fuller pleasure. We unlearn our puritanical shaming through the practice of Wise Witch Medicine, Existential Kink and many other amazingly effective magical practices and modalities to embrace our shadows, cultivate consent, laugh and LIVE more and love deeper!
Because of the intention and support of our sacred community, we can more easily access feeling safe, supported, free, on fire (in the juiciest way) and at peace within and without. We will heal our parental wounds by tending to our inner child(ren) and connecting to the cosmic mother, father and hermaphroditic allies! This allows mind, heart, and sacral center to harmonize so that we can clear blockages, release outdated patterns, ignite our creative life force, and integrate our light with our shadow so that we may more easily drop into the backdrop of ecstatic bliss that is always present.
What else will happen in Nectar of the Soul
As a course member, you’ll get a few great benefits from being here:
- This is a live course that meets each week for 8 consecutive weeks, and the replays will be posted inside of the course classroom. You will also have access to a private community page in Mighty Networks (a magnificent platform with NO ADS distracting you) to share and engage with the other magical folx here. This course will help to remember and BE-HAVE from your exquisite multi-facetedness: the way you think, feel, move, act and BE in your mind, body, heart, spirit, and relationships will feel more well-rounded and multi-dimensional!
- Meet amazing folx and make new friends for LIFE. Your fellow students are as motivated and as magick as you are and ready to EMBODY and taste the fruits that we’re cultivating here in Nectar of the Soul. You will also be assigned a Dream Team that you will practice and feel supported by and with!
- FEEL deep shifts. As you dive into the course and meet the community in Nectar of the Soul, you’ll experience yourself living and breathing the amazing empowered life that is uniquely YOU! The amplification of all the participants will help us to conjure up HIGH VIBE LEVELS of DIVINE CONNECTION!
$888 (payment plans available)
1 full scholarship available
2 partial scholarships available
Course Dates
The course will begin on EITHER November 1 or November 3 (with start time between 11am and 1:30pm EST).
The week before the course begins, I will take a poll to find the best date and time for the group.
Once the date/time is chosen, it will be the same every week for 8 weeks and you will be provided a schedule. If you cannot make the live dates, don’t worry, we will record each session, so replays will be available.
How to Get the Most Out of Nectar of the Soul
This is a supportive community of people seeking spiritual and embodied empowerment.
Get the most out of this course by:
- Staying TRUE to yourself, your needs, your desires and your pace.
- ASK for what you need. Be specific. Create the Spells you wish to create with your posts! We are all here to support each other! And when you are courageous enough to ask you create a bridge and invite others to share courageously and vulnerably too!
- Building supportive, conscious relationships with other community members.
- Holding space and being held in and with your assigned Dream Team.
- Coming to ALL of the Live sessions (or watching ALL of the posted replays)
This Course is for You IF:
1. You are READY to have more energy, more support, less shame, better sex, more confidence and feel more pleasure.
2. You are READY a to be a part of a community of folx devoted to ritual work, intention setting, creating REAL magick, LAUGHING, LEARNING, SHAKIN’ yer tail feathers, and deeply connecting to your Spirit Guides (seen and unseen).
3. You are READY and WILLING to dance, somatically heal, and feel free to ENJOY your body more!
4. You are READY to learn powerful practices and meditations to OPEN, AWAKEN, HEAL and INTEGRATE your sexual center.
5. You are READY for more fulfilling, loving, supportive relationships.
6. You are READY to release shame around your body and your truest desires.
7. You are willing and READY to expand your definitions of “sex”!
8. You are READY to step into the driver’s seat of YOUR precious life, and feel supported in living your life authentically.
9. You are spiritual and/or seeking a deeply nourishing spiritual connection and READY to E M B O D Y it.
10. You are READY to let go of patterns that do not serve or delight you that have kept you suffering time and time again!